Sep 3, 2010

My worldwide Pinel family

Searching for my roots has been an incredible experience, I have found "family" all over the world that have become my friends in Facebook, we have exchanged pictures of our children and grandchildren, congratulated each other on special occasions, offered comforting words in sorrowful times, learned about each other's countries, exchanged genealogical data and overall participated in each others lives like real family. I will be forever greatful for this "family" I discovered!

This past week I received an email from one of my "family" member, Paule Valet, providing me with date of birth of my ggggrandmother Jeanne Françoise,

  ... "J'ai ici l'acte de naissance de Jeanne Françoise  le 27 Aout 1751 à Gevingey Il me faut votre adresse mail Contactez moi ...

I sent her my email and she sent me copies of the Baptismal records of the town of Gevingey. How great it is when you have friends likes this to help you out!

Merci mon ami Paule, je suis éternellement reconnaissant!

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